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Féíle na hÍnse
Burrane N.S. Is very proud of their participation to date in Féile na hInse. It has presented a great opportunity for children to use their Irish outside the classroom in fun and creative ways. It is also and excellent way for parents to see their children on stage displaying their talents, by acting, singing, recitation or dancing.
Burrane National School participates in the following competitions
Scéalaíocht Bunscoile
Comórtais Ealaíne
Aiste bunscoile
Burrane N.S. Féile na hÍnse 2023
Congratulations to all the boys and girls from Burrane N.S. who took part in this years Féile na hÍnse competition. Pupils participated in Comórtas Ealaíne, Filíochta, Scéalaíochta agus an Agallamh
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